The modern rhythm of life and the ecological situation lead to more men experiencing difficulties in intimate life. Increasingly, young men are being diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. If the problem manifests itself in a mild form, fast-acting potency products for men will help solve it. That is why it is necessary from a young age to remember the components of a healthy diet that will restore strength.
Basic principles of proper nutrition
Rejection of bad habits and proper nutrition are extremely important for men's health.
When compiling a daily menu, you should follow a few recommendations:

- You need to eat a variety of foods. Try to pamper yourself with new healthy dishes every day. The diet should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of even one substance can lead to bed failures.
- To increase potency, you should eat at least 120 grams of protein a day. You can get it from meat, dairy, fish and eggs.
- Necessary doses of vitamins can be easily obtained from fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. They should be eaten often and in large quantities.
- Complete abstinence from harmful dishes is required: semi-finished products, fast food, smoked meats, sweet soda. Portions rich in foods and salt in the diet should be kept to a minimum.
- The menu should also include foods rich in zinc and selenium. These include seafood, liver, legumes.
- You should eat five to six times a day. Portions should be small. Overeating is dangerous to health.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Every day the body should receive about two liters of water.
Diet is necessary not only for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, but also for its prevention. If you get used to a healthy diet from an early age, then you can keep your youth for many years.
The list of the most effective potency products is headed by seafood.
Men who have difficulty in intimate life should use:

- Oysters. It is considered a strong aphrodisiac. They contain a lot of zinc and valuable amino acids. These substances improve testosterone synthesis. Thanks to this, not only a permanent erection appears, but also the characteristics of the sperm are improved. It is worth remembering that you can not eat oysters often. In addition to useful components, they contain mercury.
- mussels. They have a lot of useful trace elements, including protein and zinc. They have a positive effect on the male reproductive system.
- shrimp. This seafood is known for its high concentration of zinc and selenium. The amino acids present in them contribute to increased testosterone production. By regularly adding shrimp to meals, it is possible to achieve a long erection. They also have a good effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system and help maintain youth.
- Crabs. Such a delicacy has a record amount of protein that is easily absorbed by the body. It is essential for a healthy metabolism. The benefits of crabs also lie in the high iodine content. This substance contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
Seafood should be present in the diet. You do not need to eat them every day. It is enough to enjoy such a dish several times a week.
Bacteria that cause dangerous diseases are often found in seafood. Therefore, before you buy, carefully check the quality of the product and their freshness.
The list of products that increase potency in men immediately includes fish.
The following are particularly useful:

- Flounder. Its meat contains vitamins A, E and B, as well as zinc and selenium. These substances increase the duration of the hollow act and have a positive effect on the immune system. They increase the body's resistance to stress, which is a common cause of impotence.
- Mackerel. It is characterized by high doses of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which stimulate the active synthesis of testosterone. This product can only be eaten cooked. It is necessary to give up salted and smoked fish, it contains very few useful substances.
- Pink salmon. Rich in water- and fat-soluble vitamins, as well as sodium, zinc and chromium. These substances have a positive effect on the process of cell regeneration, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. Keeping pink salmon in the diet stimulates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on strengthening erections.
- tuna. The best fish for men. It contains up to 25% protein, as well as many vitamins and minerals. It is known for its record concentrations of cobalt, iodine and molybdenum. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
It is recommended to steam the fish or bake it in the oven. It is forbidden to eat fried foods with impotence. It is better to supplement the dishes with vegetable garnishes.
Nuts help to overcome erectile dysfunction. They have a lot of vitamins, zinc and magnesium. Thanks to this composition, they have a positive effect on the male reproductive system. The product also contains arginine. Its effect leads to an increase in the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is necessary for a stable erection.
Diversify your menu with almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts. Walnuts are especially useful. If you grind it and mix it with honey, you get a delicious dessert, which becomes a strong stimulant of male strength.
Pine nuts have a special composition. Regular use has a positive effect on the immune system. Helps to cope with stress and overexertion, which are inherently related to the quality of intimate life. It is recommended to use them in their pure form.
Every man should remember which natural products increase potency. The most affordable of these are vegetables. It is necessary to use regularly:

- Celery. It is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. It contains large doses of vitamins and calcium, which help increase physical endurance. Helps prolong sexual intercourse.
- Onions. Especially useful for improving potency. Due to its use, active production of testosterone is observed, as well as normalization of the reproductive system.
- carrots. It contains all the vitamins and minerals that improve a man's intimate life. Regular use increases blood circulation, which allows you to achieve long-lasting erections.
- turnips. This vegetable is undeservedly forgotten today. In fact, its use is extremely important for men. Contains a large dose of vitamin B. Responsible for the normal hormonal background of the stronger sex. If you eat turnips, normal blood circulation will be restored quickly, which will ensure success in bed.
- beets. This root crop should be included in the diet of anyone suffering from erectile dysfunction. There is an increased dose of zinc, which can affect the hormonal background. Beets also help prevent the development of prostate adenoma.
- Asparagus. It contains a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins necessary for the excellent functioning of the genitourinary system. Thanks to asparagus-based dishes, every man will have great success with women. It should be eaten in blanched form.
Everything that is good for potency can be eaten every day. Vegetables are best roasted or cooked. The main thing is not to subject them to too long heat treatment. Otherwise, they will lose much of their valuable substances.
Among the most delicious potency products for men are fruits. In the absence of allergic reactions, they are eaten every day in any quantities. The list of the most effective fruits includes:

- Pineapple. Using it allows you to quickly restore the protective properties of the body, to normalize the digestive system. By affecting the endocrine system, it contributes to increased testosterone production. Experts especially recommend eating this fruit for those who suffer from frequent overexertion and stress.
- kiwi. Each fruit contains a large amount of zinc, as well as ascorbic acid. The use of kiwi helps reduce high cholesterol, improves the body's defenses, and stimulates blood flow to the penis.
- Bananas. They contain a lot of potassium and vitamins necessary for the functioning of the genitourinary system. By eating one banana every day, you can quickly increase potency and make intercourse long.
- avocado. This fruit should be included in the diet to increase potency. Contains a large amount of folic acid. It is responsible for sexual desire, increases arousal, which causes an erection faster.
- Paradise apple. Allows you to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of urological diseases. Its use promotes blood flow to the penis, which is necessary for a good erection. Paradise apple allows you to get rid of hunger for a long time. According to the calorie table, it occupies one of the lowest positions. Therefore, it is recommended to eat men who are overweight.
Fruits that are good for potency are best eaten fresh. They can be added to porridge or mixed with cottage cheese. This way you can get more out of them.
When buying, choose only ripe juicy fruits. The concentration of nutrients in them is maximum. Do not eat fruits that show signs of spoilage.
The list of products that affect male potency includes different types of meat. The main thing is not to eat such foods in excessive amounts. Otherwise, the increased blood circulation will be concentrated in the digestive system, which will negatively affect sexual life.
Beef, chicken, turkey and rabbit have a positive effect on potency. Pork and duck meat are too greasy and can be eaten from time to time. A record dose of valuable substances is present in cooked meat. The worst food for health can be prepared if the meat is fried or smoked.
When choosing daily products that improve erection, it is better to give preference to chicken and turkey. Their dishes are easily digested and do not provoke an increase in blood cholesterol levels.
Bee products
Those who need products to increase the potency of fast action, should buy honey and bee bread. They have huge portions of vitamins. Regular consumption of honey is useful for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse, as well as for the functioning of all internal organs.

The effectiveness increases if you eat a few tablespoons of a mixture of honey and grated onion every day. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The composition can be made immediately before use or prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator.
Perga has an overall effect on the body. It consists of recycled pollen. It contains many proteins necessary for the functioning of the male reproductive system. Perga acts as a source of glucose, which is quickly absorbed by the body. This allows you to recharge your body with energy. For strong potency, eat 10 grams of perga per day.
Eggs are also among the products that have a positive effect on potency. They help increase libido and make a man resilient. Quail eggs have a particularly strong effect. They contain amino acids, iron and phosphorus in large doses. These elements are involved in the work of the reproductive system. Their lack has a negative effect on male strength.

Chicken eggs contain less valuable substances. However, their daily addition to the diet has a beneficial effect on male potency. They must be subjected to heat treatment before use. Eggs may contain pathogenic microorganisms, so it is not recommended to eat raw.
To maintain your health, it is important to remember not only which foods increase potency, but also what you should drink. Drinks play a big role in improving the reproductive function of the body. The most useful are:
- Ginger tea. It is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Its use prevents the formation of thrombosis, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, cleanses the body of toxins. Therefore, the blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, which is useful for potency. You can prepare a drink by pouring a small slice of ginger in boiling water. In 10 minutes the tea will be ready to drink.
- Pumpkin juice. Contains a high concentration of zinc. This substance increases potency and prolongs sexual intercourse. It is better to prepare the juice yourself and drink it freshly squeezed.
- Mare's milk. Strengthens the immune system and normalizes hormone levels. Thanks to its regular use, the man will be able to demonstrate unprecedented success in intimate life.
- Celery juice. It is prepared from the root of the plant. This drink stimulates the production of testosterone, which helps fight erectile dysfunction.
The choice of the most useful products for potency is best done together with your doctor. You don't have to get bogged down in your problem. When the first negative symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist immediately.